Obviously, it is a glaringly obvious fact, that Noel-Ann, The Priestess, is a woman.
How do we justify women in ministry?
We use the bible.
We believe that though the physical maladies of the fall, remain amongst us, all Spiritual curses and limitations were done away with by Jesus Christ's works. At least for true believers, with an argument that it's even more so consecrated in baptized believers. He filled the apostles with the holy spirit, anyone truly believing and especially also baptized. Is made consecrated and whole, spiritually with the trinity. Whilst again, this DOES NOT, mean we are free from earthly woes in our earthly bodies. Nor does it mean we will ever be free from temptation on earth. It does mean we are free from spiritual sin and limitations, so long as we follow GOD, believe and accept the resurrection, and Walk in the blood of the lamb, as true believing baptized brethren.
Examples in the new testament of women leaders of churches.
"1 I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church at Cenchreae, 2 so that you may welcome her in the Lord, as is fitting for the saints, and help her in whatever she may require from you, for she has been a benefactor of many and of myself as well.
3 Greet Prisca and Aquila, my coworkers in Christ Jesus, 4 who risked their necks for my life, to whom not only I give thanks but also all the churches of the gentiles. 5 Greet also the church in their house. Greet my beloved Epaenetus, who was the first convert in Asia for Christ.6 Greet Mary, who has worked very hard for you. 7 Greet Andronicus and Junia, my fellow Israelites who were in prison with me; they are prominent among the apostles, and they were in Christ before I was. " Romans 16:1-7 (NRSV ue) This passage CLEARLY sets a precedent for women Elders. And even church planters.
also lest not forget The four Prophetesses in Acts21:9 "9 He had four unmarried daughters who had the gift of prophecy." Women have been filled with the holy spirit and granted the ability to step up above where they once were cursed, due to the fall.
"16 To the woman he said, “I will make your pangs in childbirth exceedingly great;
in pain you shall bring forth children,
yet your desire shall be for your husband,
and he shall rule over you.” " In Gen. 3:16 clearly indicating that women were only temporarily cursed to said role, due to the spiritual curses GOD placed on us. Which were lifted by redemption through Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:22 NRSV ue
Also, once we are consecrated into the kingdom of heaven, GOD does not even see gender. For "28 There is no longer Jew or Greek; there is no longer slave or free; there is no longer male and female, for all of you are one in Christ Jesus." _Gal. 3:28 NRSVue
So hence forth, though we are not free from the body pains, we are free from the spiritual curses. Being that Priestess Noel-Ann was a saved true believer of Christ when she founded CCSL, and also as of June 9th 2024, she also became a fully consecrated and baptized Christian. Her call to ministry similar to Sister Aimee S McPherson who literally founded one of the largest denominations of Pentecostals, is more than valid, and is blessed by the trinity.
Priestess Noel Ann McCreary's Church of Christian Spiritualism & Lifestyle Certificate of Ordination.
Directly below is an example of what our Church's ordination Certification looks like.
I went ahead made my own ordination for myself as lead minister, even though I am legally ordained through ULC Ministries Monastary and AMM
I figured I need to begin ordination. So the first ordination is of course of myself. I have been called by GOD So this unique Certificate is acredited by GOD, my other two ordinations 1 from Universal Life Church and the other from American Marriage Ministry, and my recorded Seminary studies. Future ones will be signed off by other members of clergy.

In order for any other certificates like this to be valid it MUST be signed by another ordained minister of the Church of Christian Spiritualism & Lifestyle.
What the Process will look like to be ordained.
Step 1. One must pass a background check for any Sex crimes. And pass a minister verbal interview by another already ordained Minister of the Church of Christian Spiritualism & Lifestyle.
Step 2. One must show a genuine understanding and ability to reference our 16 tenets. The showing of this understanding must be shown to a ministry member.
Step 3. One must Prove a knowledge of the bible worthy of Preaching as a representative of the church either through a verbal church test or showcasing proof of sufficient seminary studies. Again Another Ordained member must approve.
Step 4. You must showcase the "Christ Consciousness" Tarot ritual. And follow all of the steps in order to instruct others on the Christian Tarot method. An Ordained minister must approve.
Step 5. You must vow before church witnesses to always adhere to our Statement of faith. Which you will be required to recite in your vow. Vow to never discriminate against any people except to those who have intentionally harmed children. And the final vow to never acknowledge any deities as true gods or worthy of worship, outside of Our GOD which is the trinity of GOD the father, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ living as one.
Step 6. After the ministry approves. We will perform a ceremony to commemorate. An ordained minister will sign off on your certificate.
An example of the vows:
"I, Noel Ann McCreary, Do recite in holy Vow:
"I in service to the the Ministry of the Church of Christian Spiritualism & Lifestyle, affirm that I love and serve Jesus,shall never commit unjust harm, and will follow the scripture as the authoritative word of GOD. I also will follow and agree to abide by and be guided by the Church's 16 tenets.
I vow to treat all people with respect and dignity, showing no discrimination, except towards those who have intentionally harmed children. In such cases, I will stand firm in the protection of the innocent and vulnerable.
Finally, I vow to acknowledge no deities as true gods or worthy of worship, outside of our GOD, which is the trinity of GOD the Father, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ living as one. This is the faith I profess, the faith I will uphold, and the faith I will share with our congregation.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I make these vows, pledging my commitment to our church and our faith." "
After ordained?
Well at first you will pick your title
If you identify as a woman the gendered title is Priestess. If you don't want a gendered title then Pastor is a neutral title with the same rank.
If you identify as a man the gendered title is Deacon. If you don't want a gendered title then Pastor is a neutral title with the same rank.
If you are genderfluid or Non-Binary then you may also feel free to use the title Pastor.
All of these titles are equal to each other within whatever ministry roles one serves.
For example if there is both a Deacon and a Priestess who are both youth ministers, they are the same rank. They both would be outranked by a lead minister however. (Example of a Lead Minister is Priestess Noel Ann McCreary) Ministry roles can vary but every church plant will have a Lead Minister who works as the primary Church plant's location and congregation leader and figurehead.
There can be: Spiritualist Ministers (Who specialize in helping guide church members with how to do things like "Christ Consciousness" Tarot Rituals, and other alternative methods of prayer and meditation. There are specific ways to make sure one does not sin when doing these things and NEVER are we allowed to actually commune with the dead or do spellwork)
Youth Ministers (Who specialize in sheparding the youth)
Evangelical Ministers (Who help spread the word of our lord and savior Jesus Christ)
and Lead Ministers (Who lead their church location)
** As it currently sits beginning on August 4th 2023 ( The founder's ordination date) **
So after you pick a title. You either will volunteer or be assigned to one of these Minister roles. The lead minister of the location you were ordained, will give you your assigned role, but if you for example, want a particular role, you may volunteer, the Lead Minister of your location, can either approve or deny, for now, while we profess that God rules over us all, Priestess Noel-Ann McCreary headships the organization, and her rulings are the final say, this is open to change in the future, potentially, she may form a council or an order of leadership, or maybe a congregational method. But for now, she is the final say on church rules and rulings.
You then will fulfil your duty to the best of your ability until retirement or death unless you violate our 16 Tenets or statement of faith or your vows. Warning: (ANY INTENTIONAL HARM TO ANY CHILD, WOMAN, OR OTHER UNSPECIFIED VUNLERABLE PERSON(S), WILL INSTANTLY MAKE YOUR ORDINATION REVOKED AND YOU WILL BE BANNED FROM THE CHURCH.)
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