Statement of Faith. "We at the Ministry of the Church of Christian Spiritualism & Lifestyle, affirm that we love and serve Jesus, Never commit unjust harm, and will follow the scripture as the authoritative word of GOD, we also will follow and agree to abide by and be guided by the Church's 16 tenets." (The Tenets are posted on this webpage, our facebook page, and are explained in depth on our youtube channel)
"We at the Ministry of the Church of Christian Spiritualism & Lifestyle, affirm that we love and serve Jesus, Never commit unjust harm, and will follow the scripture as the authoritative word of GOD, we also will follow and agree to abide by and be guided by the Church's 16 tenets."
The church of Christian Spiritualism & Lifestyle is a registered Independent Church Charter of Saint Luke Evangelical christian ministries & Declared with the IRS as a religious organization.
The Church of Christian Spiritualism & Lifestyle is a religious organization that preaches and lives by the Bible and the 16 tenents of their faith, which are all based on the Bible. We have a Facebook page where we share information about their beliefs, events, and updates.We are now a declared religious organization with the IRS as a church,and are working on building a solid congregation.
Christian spiritual life involves knowledge, moral effort, and spiritual exercises, but essentially it is a person-to-person contact between God who speaks to man in His Word and man who responds in the Word in loving faith. It is a dialogue with God in love — life with the Father, in the Son, through the Holy Spirit.
The Church of Christian Spiritualism & Lifestyle is Helmed by Priestess Noel Ann McCreary. (An Ordained Minister, with a certification in Art of Biblical words, Three Awards from the Christian Leadership Institute, and multiple certificates from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary {SEBTS} Also a full certification from APC bible college in the Pablo Bottari Exorcism method)
We are a Pro LGBTQ+ Affirming Church. And Our 16 tenents we follow make that clear. In the 16 tenets we follow a huge set of discerning research that we believe proves the Bible never expressly or directly condemns regular homosexuality. An example is in tenet 3. "Non affirming beliefs about same-sex relationships and transgender people contribute to serious harm in LGBTQ people's lives. Studies from The Family Acceptance project have shown that..." And an example of some of our shorter tenets would be stuff along the lines of Tenet 1. "Jesus Christ is the son of GOD and his sacrifice on the cross is what cleanses us who choose to accept it." Tenet 2. "The Holy Trinity is Father GOD, Jesus Christ the Son, and The Holy Spirit living as one tri personalitied and potentially dual gendered entity. One and the same living GOD. " Tenets 11. Through 16 listing stuff like "We are called to love our fellow Humans,in the name of Jesus." "Though drinking and partaking in Cannabis is not forbidden in our Church, excessive use and dependence on them as an addiction, without seeking help is. " "We are to follow the Biblical teachings of the Bible without misinterpretting the passages about sexual sin. We obviously are still to refrain from Frivolous sex, Beastiality, Intercourse with a Non consenting partner (rape), Incest, and Pederasty." The Church of Christian Spiritualism & Lifestyle is a Christian church that is led by Priestess Noel Ann McCreary, who is legally ordained and has several certifications in biblical studies. She is also an openly LGBTQ+ minister who advocates for the inclusion and affirmation of LGBTQ+ people in Christianity. The church follows the Bible and the 16 tenets of its faith, which are a mix of affirmations of following the Holy Trinity and research backing theological justification for LGBTQ+ people. The church also incorporates spiritualism into its worship by allowing alternative methods of prayer and meditation under guidance, such as "Christ Consciousness" tarot, healing crystals, and meditation. The church has rules to make sure that these methods do not violate God or involve communing with the dead or doing spellwork. The church has different ministry roles, such as spiritualist ministers, youth ministers, and evangelical ministers, each with their own specialization and responsibilities. The church also allows its ministers to choose their own title based on their gender identity or preference, such as priestess, deacon, or pastor. All of these titles are equal in rank within their respective ministry roles. The church's mission is to preach and live by the Bible and the 16 tenets of its faith, and to spread the word of God's love for all people.

With regard to this document, "The 16 tenents, previously written as the 16 tenants", it is bound to change, as my doctrinal knowledge grows. Once I actually open doors, it will be more set. Though I am open to finding ways to potentially alter it, even once that takes place. Things that will NEVER change, are our affirmations of both belief in the trinity model for GOD, and a belief in Grace through faith in Jesus Christ. (As mentioned in tenents 1.,2.,10., and 11.) For example, the word tenent, may be replaced with "Tenet", As again Embarrassingly, I foolishly thought tenent was how tenet was spelled. However, church bodies, often have unique words for their beliefs. So I am presently entertaining the idea of keeping the misspelled version, as a term with which we refer to our 16 tenets, as tenents, to simply describe our guidelines. It is incredibly humbling, but luckily Jesus Christ encourages us all to be humble before the lord always, anyways, so whilst my theology certificates are all still, valid, and credentials. I have to readdress my own spelling and grammar, as I often just typed these up, and published on here, which is admittedly, stupid. This is my calling and I take it serious believe it or not, I am not a Scammer, or Charleton, nor am I horribly mistaken on the "essentials" I refer to on this webpage. Paired with this is a statement that is also on the "Credentials of Ministry page".
"Understanding that many others have their own feelings about my validity, I would like to formally state this.
I am a legally ordained minister, with several college course certificates, I care deeply about making sure intellectual honesty and good faith in service to the lord is maintained in regard to maintaining ministry. Though I may often be shaky on the proper process (Part of why I am on this hiatus), I never contribute in bad faith.
This is not an advertisement, I literally have four Certificates from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (via the lifeway program), and one Certificate from Yale University, presently working on a second. I also own an EIN to a Religious organization, registered with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). I have other Religious Certificates, but those are only independently accredited via Religious institutions, not academically, my other Certificates I previously referenced, ARE from actually academically accredited institutions (Yale, and SEBTS). I also hold a Certificate of completion from a Bible college, based in India. Whilst I have no degree, and these Certificates are not part of a degree program. They are legally usable credentials. And whilst this church I run, is legally declared, I fully understand, as an Independent church, many other theologians and Christians may dispute my personal validation as a Minister, the indisputable facts are, my EIN is a legal document, my church's website and web pages are crafted and updated within the contextual confines of a sincerely held Religious belief, as an independent minister I have hosted 18 full sermons, I have or at least had genuine congregation members from back in the online sermon days, and I have officiated more than one legally binding Religious ceremony. I'm not a degree holder, but Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Yale are accredited Universities, and I took, completed, and passed, several courses from both of them, I currently am finishing my course work for "History of Western Christianity " via Yale, and already hold one certificate from Yale in " Christianity & Ecology ". Priestess Noel Ann 07.23.2024
God bless and Walk in love.
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