During hiatus (Noel-Ann's mission)

What started as a prophetic calling from GOD,  saying " I am not done with you." After surviving a suicide attempt. Followed by another whisper saying "I am goinjg to do things through you." I joined a simple silly online ministry ordination. Used it to qualify for seminary studies for free, and then one day registered a church with the IRS.  I had reached some people.  And still wish too. But as time, hardships, and GOD'S will would prove. I still have alot of growing to do, after securing references to send those who repetitively tuned into my sermons. I took this hiatus, to take a mental health break, Further my education,  and try to fix my financial problems. I intend to find a solid spiritual home to grow in whilst doing this. What will "The church of Christian Spiritualism & Lifestyle " look like, after the hiatus? I truly don't know yet. And thats beautiful,  I may change the name, keep it the same, I may join a more established denomination,  or not, I have been and will continue my journey with a local Lutheran Church, and I also have met with and plan to attend a Foursquare church. As I learn and grow, so will my ability to minister. When I DO come back. This place may look very different. GOD bless and Walk in Love - Noel Ann


I have realized, in a very humbling fashion, that my independent doctrine, Needs an overhaul. I have little to no funds for a building, I desperately need a mental health break. I need spiritual growth, certainly before being the leader of my own ministry. My original documents, whilst i truly believe are inspired by me being called to serve by God, are horrendously filled with grammar and spelling errors, Whilst that is not a 'moral' failing. I still desperately need this overhaul before fully returning.

I also did finally fulfill the promise I made, and attended that Foursquare service that I had said I would.  This upcoming sunday (July. 28th. 2024)

I am attending my first Quaker meeting, again, to check different viewpoints out, and improve my spiritual and doctrinal capabilities. 

- Priestess Noel Ann (Second update post) 

Formal statement of personal and organizational intent:

"Understanding that many others may have their own feelings about my validity, I would like to formally state this.


I am a legally ordained minister, with several college course certificates, I care deeply about making sure intellectual honesty and good faith in service to the lord is maintained in regard to maintaining ministry. Though I may often be shaky on the proper process (Part of why I am on this hiatus), I never contribute in bad faith. 


This is not an advertisement, I literally have four Certificates from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (via the lifeway program), and one Certificate from Yale University, presently working on a second. I also own an EIN to a Religious organization, registered with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). I have other Religious Certificates, but those are only independently accredited via Religious institutions, not academically, my other Certificates I previously referenced, ARE from actually academically accredited institutions (Yale, and SEBTS). I also hold a Certificate of completion from a Bible college, based in India. Whilst I have no degree, and these Certificates are not part of a degree program. They are legally usable credentials. And whilst this church I run, is legally declared, I fully understand, as an Independent church, many other theologians and Christians may dispute my personal validation as a Minister, the indisputable facts are, my EIN is a legal document, my church's website and web pages are crafted and updated within the contextual confines of a sincerely held Religious belief, as an independent minister I have hosted 18 full sermons, I have or at least had genuine congregation members from back in the online sermon days, and I have officiated more than one legally binding Religious ceremony. I'm not a degree holder, but Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Yale are accredited Universities, and I took, completed, and passed, several courses from both of them, I currently am finishing my course work for "History of Western Christianity " via Yale, and already hold one certificate from Yale in " Christianity & Ecology ". Priestess Noel Ann 07.23.2024


God bless and Walk in love. "

Original hiatus message. "As Priestess and Lead Minister of The Church of Christian Spiritualism & Lifestyle . I, Priestess Noel Ann McCreary, am temporarily halting church work. After consultation with other LGBTQ Christian peers. I have always made a point in my sermons not to hide my own hardships and struggles. I have spoken publicly about my struggles with forgiving others who have wronged me in the past. But my mental health has been really giving it to me. And I feel a responsibility to the small congregation I have online to not subject you all to my own process of faith. I know most of you have other sources of worship. But for those of you that do not I as Lead minister highly recommend United Church of Christ locations.And Episcopalian branches. Though both do not incorporate the elements of Spiritualism in their methods of prayer that I do. They are Bible believing branches that I've heard from dear friends of mine ( and looked into myself) that they are totally affirming and accepting as well as celebratory denominations when it comes to us LGBTQ folks. I as Priestess am doing my due diligence to my congregation and to the lord by making sure I'm a respectable woman of God who has all her wits about her when she returns. I do not promise that the church will be back, nor do I Swear it off as a possibility. I merely cannot host Sunday services at the present moment for mental health reasons. To all of you who have supported, shared, given me positive feedback, trusted me as a religious councilor, and even some who donated. A special thanks. And to both Stephanie and Li Willhite You both have shown me such faith and support i love the both of you. And seeing both of your growth has shown me that no matter what happens the fruits of this church's time have grown no matter how small they seem. For future use I still offer services such as marriage ceremonies, baptisms, blessings, and even exorcisms (especially once i finish my studies of demonology at APC) I still will atleast for now bear the formal title Priestess only until if and when I decide to retire as a minister. But this public walk in faith, literally saved my life when I was suicidal. I presently no longer have the same zeal and childlike faith i had when I first began and I have Far too much respect and trust for GOD to continue half heartedly. I will keep this page, the youtube channel, the website and all my sermons and educational videos up for archive and research reasons.. So no matter what GOD bless and Walk in Love! Sincerely, Priestess Noel Ann McCreary, of the church of Christian Spiritualism & Lifestyle."